Wednesday 19 January 2011

Disqus vs standard blog comment

For those of you who are yet to discover it, Disqus is a great free social media sharing tool for blogs. Once installed it seamlessly takes the place of your standard comments box. What's so great about that I hear you cry! The beauty of Disqus is that it easily allows your readers to share their comments via facebook, twitter or other social media sites. 

While this is potentially a brilliant way of getting your blog content out their and (all being well) praise of your blog posts, there is a downside. Disqus isn't great for your blog's SEO. When you do publish a fantastic informative blog article that provokes brilliant comments and interactions with your readers, all those essential key words featured in your Disqus comments, which would usually help others interested in that very content, will not be picked up on your page. However as a result of using Disqus these comments may have been shared on many social media networks several times.

Jury's still out from my end, so over to you! Let me know your thoughts.
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone

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