Saturday 5 February 2011

How to Maximise Your Social Media Channels & Get More View, Fans & Followers

This post will show you how to make the most of your social media channels/websites to ensure your facebook page, twitter account and or blog is viewed by as many people as possible with very little effort from you. I'll go through each channel and give quick tips for each. This will serve as a good checklist for anyone starting out and also individuals and companies wanting to make sure they have all bases covered.
Complete Your Profile Information
Always complete your profile on each channel to let people know what you're about. Important! Remember to use key words  which are relevent to your company - tip: think about what people who would like your brand or content would most likely type into the search bar and include these (for a brief beginners guide to SEO & Key words click here).
Complete the "About" sectionon your facebookpage,

All Linked Up
Include links to your other social media channels and websites on each channel so people can always get back to or discover your website or other social site

Use Pictures Wherever Possible
A picture is worth a thousand words and lets face it, people are lazy and or short of time so being able to get the gist of something or decide if it's for you in a split second by looking at a picture will always work better than having to read lines of text.
When posting updates on facebook add a thumbnail. Remember to scroll through the available images to find the one most relevant to your message.
Use twitpics or equivalent to gain the interest of your followers. Not only will you be able to add a message but  you can also get basic stats on how many views it's had. Great for letting your follows experience an event with you, you can also us pictures to reinforce your branding. For example a retailer with bricks and mortar stores will display branded pos to shout about a sale. The same artwork should be used via twitpic to shout about this on twitter (and facebook)

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